About That Anime Geekko

It’s pretty cringe to write your own ‘About’ thingie - but the alternative is an introvert’s worst nightmare. Plus, only I really know what goes on in this crazy brain of mine.

I started my channel because of Akagami no Shirayuki-hime and Akatsuki no Yona. When I watched these anime, I felt all floaty and excited to talk to someone about them, watch a review about them, anything! Alas, at that time, Funimation was barely becoming mainstream, licensing things in The States, and the landscape of anime otaku outside of Japan was thin.

There were a couple short videos on YouTube, but even within the anime community not many seemed excited about seasonal anime - or really many anime outside of the big Shounen Jump adaptations. I filed away my frustrations, and went on with life. I didn’t think about starting my own channel; I think I tried to start a puny WordPress thing at some point - but the truth was, I wasn’t a good otaku. I hadn’t read a lot of manga, light novels, or watched all that many anime. And I, myself, wasn’t super knowledgeable about the seasons, animation studios, or any in depth information like that.

Years later, I still loved anime, I found myself watching every seasonal anime I could, and thoroughly researching and understanding the themes of each season. I remembered I had an old channel I created to share my Sunny Go Model Build. I remembered my love for certain underappreciated anime. And, I realized I was knowledgeable enough to have a decent anime conversation.

Happily, I found the international anime landscape had changed. There’s lots of smart and skillful creators who know much more about anime than I do. But! I still couldn’t find the information I wanted, in the format that I wanted. My mission is to watch as many anime as I can, and present my thoughts and information in a way I’d like things organized. I hope this is helpful to a fellow geek who is looking for just such information.

Finally - to cut off my long rant about how much I like anime, so that I can continue writing about how much I like anime - I am starting this blog because I’m more of a geek than I thought. I like anime. I have many informal rants and thoughts I’d like to jot down, and I hope this is a good venue.

And on that note, I’ll catch you in the next post!

Geekko out.

About That Anime Geekko